Friday, January 20, 2012

Barack Obama's visit to Disneyworld and sings Al Green for his fans

Busy day this Thursday, January 19 for Barack Obama , visiting Disneyworld side of Orlando, and the same evening in New York to push the song with Al Green.

The U.S. president has in fact moved to Florida, where he visited the iconic Disney in order to give a speech to promote tourism in the United States. Front of the famous Cinderella Castle, Barack Obama was all smiles, although this time, his wife Michelle was not present at his side, a few days after his birthday .

Within hours, Barack Obama was on the side of New York at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, for a fundraiser for his future presidential campaign. Among the crowd, the legendary soul singer Reverend Al Green. Of course, Barack Obama has found a new way to charm his audience, as he has become accustomed to each of its outputs.

But this time, no line of humor or a declaration of love ... The 44th President of the United States took the microphone to ... chanter ! sing! Barack Obama, who seeks a second term, hopes to stay at the White House has begun a standard Al Green Let's Stay Together! And all that man has a rather convincing vocal organ, according to the crowd that cheered the president, who can always recycle the variety in case of failure on November 6.

Barrack Obama is still required to apologize to the Reverend, saying he was singing a lot worse than him, but he just wanted to express his gratitude through this little song ...

A very original way to raise funds to engage in the presidential campaign that awaits in the months to come.